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Anomaly Korea apk New tower defense game with great tactical map! |
The primary theme in Anomaly Korea apk is reverse tower defense. Instead of carefully positioning units to repel an invasion, you're put in charge of a convoy making its way through alien-ravaged Korea, with the goal of traveling from point A to point B with the fewest casualties possible. What's especially cool is the ability to plan the convoy's route beforehand and during missions via a tactical map that not only displays enemy locations, but also clusters of Carusaurum, the game's virtual currency. Much head scratching ensues, as you figure out the best logical paths to take. You can even reposition the order of units on the fly, in case the leader takes excessive damage.
Speaking of units, Anomaly Korea apk comes with six types, the majority of which 11 Bit Studios pulled from Warzone Earth, like the well armored APC and rocket-firing Crawler; a newcomer, the Horangi battle tank, packs a nice punch. Just keep in mind that you won't be able to call upon them all at once, and the aliens are more than capable of turning these vehicles into twisted wrecks, but that's what abilities are for. Throughout a level, planes drop supplies that, when collected, imbue your convoy with different abilities. A Boost, for instance, temporarily increases firepower, while the Air Strike results in mass destruction. Perhaps the most important, Repair, heals whatever unit wander through its radius, while Smoke reduces enemy accuracy. Rounding out the package is the Decoy, which is exactly what it sounds like, a virtual doppelganger designed to draw attention away from you.
Most of the blueprint is unchanged from Anomaly: Warzone Earth, but a new power, tower, and tank shuffle the deck for this follow-up, as does the one-off twists in several levels. Not everything measures up to the high bar set by the original, but I’d play through Anomaly Korea again if I had to choose between the two, all things considered.
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CURRENT VERSION: Anomaly Korea apk v1.0REQUIRES ANDROID:2.2 and up
Anomaly Korea apk on android market
The unusual level objectives, constraints, and abilities are fantastic. Choosing two out of six possible super-airstrikes, luring enemy artillery fire onto their own towers, and clearing sectors within tight time limits are all excellent ways to shake up the formula and encourage players to experiment with different units, powers, and strategies. Creative levels ofAnomaly Korea apkdo wonders to mitigate the original game’s tendency to reward an optimal one-size-fits-all approach to all situations.
The new tank and tower don’t swing the needle in any particular direction. The Horangi tank adds a welcome active ability, as firing its special power in the right circumstances is both satisfying and key to getting your money’s worth out of the expensive new unit. The flamer towers, on the other hand, are hard-countered by either the boost (to kill them before entering their short firing range) or repair (to put out the fires they cause) powers and little else, and so they don’t add much tactical depth.
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