Sunday, November 4, 2012

Wikidroid Plus apk


Wikidroid Plus apk
Wikidroid Plus apk
Wikipedia access for android!
Wikidroid Plus apk the app for Android is designed to provide access to the popular Wikipedia for Android users, wherever they happen to be. Wikidroid Plus apk do a wonderful job of achieving the purpose of the power of Wikipedia is constantly available on Android phones. You get full access to all the content of Wikipedia, including graphics and live links so you have access from the app will not mean a sacrifice to make, since it will still have the full experience.

There are more possibilities, with Wikidroid Plus apk you also will be able to make bookmarks, and even share them with your friends, and you can ask a random page. You also have many of the same tools you use Android on online - the text can be selected and copied to the clipboard your Android; You can share pages with friends via email and Facebook and other networking applications, bluetooth and text messages. You also have the option of using different languages, and the known functions of zooming in and out.

Wikidroid Plus apk Info

App Screenshot

Wikidroid Plus apk

Wikidroid Plus apk


Current Version: Wikidroid Plus apk v1.3
Requires Android:2.1 and up
Wikidroid Plus apk on Android Market

If you want to have the ability to save pages of Wikipedia on your phone to familiarize them when offline, you version Wikidroid Plus apk set you back $ 2. Save every Wikipedia article on your SD card for offline viewing.

Wikidroid Plus apk features include :
  • Article saving to SD card for viewing offline
  • No ads

Download Wikidroid Plus apk

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Password: newandroidmarketapk

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